Contribution statements will be available after January 23, 2025. They will be mailed to you after you request them. To request a statement, you can call the parish office and leave a message, or you can drop the form from the parish bulletin into the collection during Mass or drop it off at the mailbox outside
the parish office.
52 Sundays provides weekly Gospel-based resources to help nurture your family's spiritual journey - one Sunday at a time.
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Feligreses encargan un mural para destacar la presencia de su santo patrono en el histórico distrito del mercado y animar a los visitantes a conocer el santuario
Salmo Responsorial Salmo 95, 1-2a. 2b-3. 7-8a. 9-10a y c.
Segunda Lectura 1 Corintios 12, 4-11
Evangelio Juan 2, 1-11
Unleash the Gospel Video series: Why?
detroit priestly vocations
The Church and the world need priests, and we all play a role in helping God provide those priests for his people.
The Office of Priestly Vocations is the chief promoter of vocational awareness in the Archdiocese of Detroit. Visit their excellent website at
Detroit Priestly Vocations for information on discernment, videos and testimonies, prayers, and resources for family and friends, including ways to support this important ministry!
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Drop your contact information in the form so we have the best information to reach you.
This is especially important if you have changed your email address or switched to a cell phone in the last decade or two!