Registration is the official way we join a parish community. Many people think that because they attend a particular parish they automatically belong. At times young adults who have moved away for years think they are still registered under their parents. But membership requires signing up - formally enrolling yourself in a parish.
Registration is a commitment to a community, a way to be included in the religious, social and ministerial activities of your parish. Your registration affects the parish in many ways. Census numbers can determine how many priests are assigned to a church, what benefits and obligations the community has to the diocese, and how Masses and programs are planned and scheduled. Registration shows you belong! It is also necessary for certain benefits, like scheduling sacraments, obtaining sponsor certificates, and getting donation statements for tax purposes. Most importantly, it lets the parish count on you, to call on you to assist in its mission.
Registering in your parish is a statement of faith and confidence in the life and work of your parish.
Taken from 2009 Liturgical Publications Inc.