Contribution statements will be available after January 23, 2025. They will be mailed to you after you request them. To request a statement, you can call the parish office and leave a message, or you can drop the form from the parish bulletin into the collection during Mass or drop it off at the mailbox outside
the parish office.
St. Faustina Conference, SVdP is very grateful to all who contributed to our efforts to provide some Holiday provisions with our food distribution during November and December. Your generosity is so appreciated. With your help we provided grocery gift cards to all households as well. During the month of January, we need some basic foods to restock our shelves: Macaroni and cheese; Canned and dry beans; Rice and rice sides (Knorr); Small jars peanut butter and jelly (for senior citizens); Hearty soups; Tuna fish and canned chicken; Canned fruit and vegetables; Gently used or new brown paper grocery bags. Your participation helps us to fulfill our mission to Feed the Hungry.
The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a Euchre Night!
Who: Euchre Players over 21 years of age
Where: St. Faustina Family Center 14025 12 Mile Road, Warren
When: January 25 at 6:30pm for registration & 7:00pm Deal
Tickets: $20.00
Pizza, snacks, Pop and water included. Pizza will be served at halftime
Cash Prizes and 50/50 Raffles.
For more information Call: 586-850-5544